Vismon Release Notes
Vismon 2.5.2 - Dec 27, 2018
What is new in this version?
- Minor improvements:
- "Error handling in case a wrong file is loaded"
- "naming changes for boxplot and indicator slider dropdown menu"
- "fixed link to the documentation"
- "scroll down of indicators visibility improved"
- "removed faulty error tooltips when setting constraints for the indicators"
- "minor code restructuring"
Vismon 2.5.1 - Aug 29, 2012
What is new in this version?
- Minor improvements:
- "Open Recent Data" is working properly.
Vismon 2.5 - Jan 20, 2012
What is new in this version?
- Major improvements:
- A dynamic "crosshair scenario" is added to the Trade-offs pane while the crosshair is moving on contour plots.
- An "Indicator" menu is added to the menu bar for selecting/deselecting single indicators.
- "Open Recent Data", "Open Porject", "Save Project", "Save Project as", "Export Windows to PNG", and "Export Scenarios to CSV" are functional.
- "Help" menu has useful information and links.
- The performance of the system is improved.
Vismon 2.4.1 - Dec 8, 2011
(Code Freeze for submission to EuroVis 2012)
Resolved bugs from the previous version
- Maximized Trade-offs pane is now updating when the "Plots type" or "Grouping by" changes.
Vismon 2.4 - Nov 14, 2011
What is new in this version?
- Minor improvements:
- Creating single contour plots and single scatter plots are now possible through right-clicking on the contour plots in the Contours pane.
- A new multifunctional button is added on top of the Overview pane to improve usability of creating single plots.
- A new "Delete scenarios" button is added on top of the Overview pane.
- Indicator tab is added to the Contours pane.
Vismon 2.3.1 - Sep 10, 2011
What is new in this version?
- Minor improvements:
- The default colour coding of contour plots is set to blue-to-white.
Vismon 2.3 - Aug 25, 2011
What is new in this version?
- Major improvement:
- The default value of the probabilities are set to 0.
Vismon 2.2 - Aug 22, 2011
What is new in this version?
- Major improvements:
- The default value of the probabilities are set to 0.5.
Vismon 2.1 - Jul 22, 2011
What is new in this version?
- Major functionalities:
- White spaces are removed from the Trade-offs Panel plots.
Vismon 2.0.5 - Jul 7, 2011
What is new in this version?
- Major functionalities:
- White spaces are removed from plot panels when an indicator or a scenario is set to be invisible;
- In the Overview Panel, no "Enter (Return)" button hitting is needed after entering a value in the textfields.
Resolved bugs from the previous version
- "Close" buttons work properly.
Vismon 2.0.4 - Jun 30, 2011
What is new in this version?
- Major functionalities:
- When a scenario is selected in the Overview Panel, the histograms in the "MC Trials" of the Slider View combo box are changed to log plot to make it possible to view the histogram of the selected scenario values ON TOP of the Monte Carlo Trial values;
- "Box Plot" is added as a new "Uncertainty" option in the Trade-offs Panel. (No more "View Scenario Details" accessable through the Scenarios tab in the Trade-offs Panel)
- Minor improvements:
- Improved Tooltips are set for the plots in the Trade-offs Panel to be more informative;
Resolved bugs from the previous version
- "Delete all Scenarios" is working properly;
- The tick marks on the vertical axis of Bar Chars in the Trade-offs Panel are corrected.
Known bugs
- The tool crashes when any of the panels are closed through the "Close" buttons;
Vismon 2.0.3 - Jun 23, 2011
What is new in this version?
- Major functionalities:
- The performance of the tool is imporved;
- Scenario details can be viewed in the Scenarios tab in the Trade-offs Panel;
- Minor improvements:
- Tooltips are set for the plots in the Overview Panel;
- The management actions not fullfilling the probability constairts are marked in the contour plots;
- The Trade-offs Panel has a fixed layout;
- Selected scenario in the Overview Panel is marked in the list of scenarios in the Scenario tab in the Trade-offs Panel;
- Unacceptable scenarios have grayish background in the list of scenarios in the Scenario tab in the Trade-offs Panel;
- Using the "Tab" key is working the tables.
Resolved bugs from the previous version
- TextFields in the Overview Panel did not have proper formats;
- Cumulative Distribution Function is now working for the probability plots in the Overview Panel;
- "Exit" menu item works properly;
- Multipodes Plot is bug-free;
- Already added "Visual Reference Lines" are shown in the "Visual Reference Lines Dialog" through the Window menu.
Known bugs
- The tool crashes when any of the panels are closed through the "Close" buttons;
- "Delete all Scenarios" is not working;
- The tick marks on the vertical axis of Bar Chars in the Trade-offs Panel miss one digit!
Vismon 1.0.2 - Feb 23, 2010
What is new in this version?
- Major improvements:
- The performance of the tool is imporved.